Gamers reported that they were facing issues with playing online FIFA 16 and others which use EA Servers for in-game access and content. EA has acknowledged that their servers are down and issued a statement assuring that they are working on fixing it as soon as possible. Meanwhile a hacking group called Phantom Squad has claimed responsibility for the downing of EA servers. While they had promised to bring down Xbox Live and PlayStation Network gaming servers during the Christmas holidays, there was no mention of EA in their list of to-dos. However, just a while back, they have tweeted that they are calling off the attacks on EA servers. So if you are facing issue in any of these games, you have to wait until the issue is resolved. Reddit users have also reported issues with the smartphone companion app for FIFA 16 in addition to the game. Meanwhile, Phantom Squad have announced the commencement of their attack on Xbox Live servers. If their claims are correct, we should see the Xbox Live gaming servers go down shortly.