If you remember, Mark Zuckerberg had set New Year’s goal to create an AI assistant to control his house. His AI assistant is now ready and he needs a voice for it. Zuckerberg sought to take the opinion of his followers for the voice of his AI and asked Facebook’s billion-plus users, saying “it’s time to give my AI JARVIS a voice. Who should I ask to do it?”

One of his followers suggested getting the Iron Man ,”Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch” himself while another suggested Paul Bettany, the actual actor who plays Iron Man’s JARVIS AI. Much to everyone’s surprise, Downey Jr. himself replied. In doing so he also pimped his upcoming Dr. Strange Marvel Studios film, “I’ll do in a heartbeat if Bettany gets paid and donates it to a cause of Cumberbatch’s choosing … that’s the right kind of STRANGE!”  Zuckerberg replied in like fashion, saying “this just got real.” However, there is no confirmation from either Facebook or Zuckerberg accepting Downey Jr. offer. Zuckerberg revealed recently that the assistant can control lights, open his gates and change the temperature around the house.