Originally priced at Rs 12,999.00, the new Moto G that is now available on Flipkart at Rs 10,999. On the other hand, the second-gen Moto X (16 GB) is available at Rs 26,999.00, which was earlier priced at 29,999.00 and the 32GB model is now available for Rs 29,999.00 Ever since the 16 GB Moto X (2nd gen) model was launched in India in September last year, this is the second price cut for the phone. When the company had released the 32 GB model in India, it was originally priced at Rs 31,999.00. In December last year, the phone suffered its first cut in its price and was brought down to Rs 29,999.00. The new price cuts from Motorola comes after Xiaomi and Asus launched affordable Mi 4i and Zenfone 2, respectively, with top-notch specs. The recently launched phones from Xiaomi and Asus who are yet to complete a year in the Indian smartphone market have taken the competition to a new level. The 2nd generation Moto X has a curved back encased in a metal frame and features a 5.2-inch 1080p display. The specifications of the new Moto X include a 2GB RAM, 2.5GHz quad-core processor and water-resistant coating. The phone has a 13 megapixel rear camera with dual LED ring flash along with a 2 megapixel front-facing camera. The phone runs Android 4.4 KitKat and is powered by 2400mAh battery, which is touted to deliver up to 24 hours of usage. The new Moto G comes with a larger 5-inch 720p display along with stereo speakers on the front. It is powered by a 1.2GHz quad-core processor coupled with 1GB of RAM. In addition, it is packed with an 8MP rear shooter and a 2MP front camera. You can buy the discounted Moto G (2nd gen) here and Moto X (2nd gen) here.